WTF is a fan-run convention, which means we are all volunteers.
Are you interested in giving us a hand?
You can assist at the convention in a number of ways, including:
REWARDS We are running on a tight budget, a REALLY tight budget! But we do have small gifts to offer our staff of volunteers as well as free snacks in the consuite. We can't yet say what we have to offer, but there will be something in it for you.
To offer your services, just drop in at the volunteer desk right after you have registered and have had a chance to view the pocket programme. Let the Chief know when you are available to help out, and they'll get you signed in.
If you plan to register by mail, you can add a note to your registration form so that the Volunteers Director will know to expect you. Or, fill in the form below!
NOTE: All our volunteers must be registered attendees of the convention. Even the ConCom!
[email protected]
Full Name:
Badge Name:
Please check all boxes below that apply.
These are not nescesary to be a volunteer, but it will help us to know where you might be best suited to help out.
I am local to the convention
No Yes
I have a valid Drivers' Liscense
I have valid First Aid certification
(Red Cross, St. John's Ambulance, etc...)
I am over 18 years of age
I am fluently Bilingual
I will be available on
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday