
General Information for Dealers

Do you have a talent or interest that's furry and want to share it with the world? Then we need you to run a panel, class, or discussion group at What The Fur! Please fill out the form and submit it to our programming department. All ideas are welcomed!

Be CERTAIN you will be able to attend your panel/class/event BEFORE submitting a request to the convention organizers. Failure to attend your presentation without notifying the convention organizers in advance will result in not being allowed to run events at future cons.

We do our best to accommodate every submission. However, we cannot guarantee we will be able to schedule your proposed panel or give you the day/time requested.

Panellist Agreement

By submitting the following form you agree to:

  • Attend your panel/class/event.
  • Arrive at your panel/class/event on time and stay for the pre-determined duration.
  • Run your panel/class/event in a knowledgeable manner.
  • Clean up the convention space so it’s ready for the next group.
  • Notify the convention organizers if you are unable to attend your panel, and find a replacement for the originally submitted panel if possible.


Full Name:


Badge Name:



Panellist Form

Panel Title




Additional Presenters:

I will be a Fursuiter:

I will be a Dealer :

Staff or a Volunteer :

I would like to hold this panel on :