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WTF Convention Program Book Cover Contest
We are having a Cover Contest! Here are the rules:
- New art only. Only one entry per person.
- Black & white or greyscale (no colour). Remember that printing can wash out some fine details.
- Size: 8.5 x 11, no bleeds.
- Format: 600dpi uncompressed TIFF. The submission (finished or sketched) should be 150dpi max in any common image format.
- Must include the words "What The Fur 2011, "Program Book - Livre de Convention and "June 3-5 juin.
- Should try to show the theme of the convention: Pirates vs Ninjas, and Furry. It can be serious or humorous, but should not be cluttered to the eye.
- It need not be a finished work, but any sketches must be of a finished quality, with all desired elements represented.
- Deadline is Midnight of Saturday, April 24, 2011 (Eastern time).
- Send entries to [email protected] with "Cover Contest in the subject line.
- The winning entry will be chosen on clarity of image, copy legibility and overall attractiveness as a program book cover. Some small editorial changes to strengthen the work may be needed.
- Once selected, the winner will need to have the final artwork ready by the end of MAY 15, 2011.
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| Advertising Rates | |
If you would like to have an ad in the program book, please contact [email protected] before May 1st, 2011 with the subject line “Ad request”.
- Business Card size (3.5” horizontal x 2” vertical): $15
- Quarter page (3.5” x 5”): $25
- Half-page, wide (7” x 5”): $40
- Full page (7” x 10”) : $80
All rates in Canadian dollars.
As space is limited, we reserve the right to limit the amount of advertising accepted.
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