We want your help to make WTFur Awesome!

What The Fur is a fan-run event. This means that everyone that puts the event together is a volunteer. Everyone who you see working hard, running around, standing and watching, or moving things from one room to another (and sometimes back again) gives of their time to make the convention an amazing experience for everyone.
We are always looking to take on more people who want to help the Furry community shine,  to show the world what we've got. And we're not going to let you leave without a little something in thanks! What The Fur has implemented a rewards program. For every hour you put in helping, you will earn points towards a fully paid regular membership for the following year!

Once you have earned a total of 20 points, you'll have yourself a free entry to 2017's convention!

How do you get points? The ways to earn your points are simple:

  • Volunteers and Security
      • 1 point per hour worked
      • Overnights = 2 points per hour worked
      • Thursday setup and Monday teardown = 2 points per hour worked
  • Host a panel, run a workshop, MC an event
      • 1 point per hour worked
  • DJ at dances or Dead Dog
      • 2 points per hour worked


Volunteering at What The Fur means you'll be helping out all over - from making sure things are cleaned up to helping wrangle furries (and herd cats) through the registration lines.

More info can be found here


Do you feel you can go above and beyond, and make sure that the attendees are safe? Are you ready to take on the responsibilites of making sure the rules are kept? Join the security team!

Send us an email!


What The Fur puts on dances to keep the furries entertained, energetic, and moving through the late evening and well into the next day. But not everyone has the skills.

Do you feel up to the challenge?
send us an email and let us know!