Carte des Chocolatiers
Prsente ici est une carte de tous les chocolatiers  Montral.
Conformment  une demande populaire  la convention, voici la liste de ce qui tait servi au Sociale Chocolat, et o l'obtenir  partir.
Suite 88 [Montreal]
Green tea artisan truffle.
Chocolats de Chlo [Montreal]
Banana, fig and balsamic vinegar, tonka bean.
Marius & Fanny [Montreal]
Pineapple fruit paste, apricot and ginger.
Chocobel [Montreal]
Goat cheese and honey, goat cheese and raspberry, strawberry and tarragon, mango fruit paste, blueberry caramel, thyme and lemon, chanterelle mushroom nd apricot, passionfruit and sichuan pepper, sugarless sweet orange, sugarless coffee, goat cheese and speculoos (spiced Belgian cookie).
Chocolats Privilge [Montreal]
Basil and lime, sichuan pepper.
Genevive Grandbois [Montreal]
Chai (tea and spices), Chuao with white truffle oil.
Andre Chocolats [Montreal]
orange cream, cherry cream
Gourmet Laurier [Montreal]
chocolate bars: Pralus 45% lait/milk, Pralus 75% Djakarta, Valrhona Ampamakia, Valrhona Gran Couva, Valrhona Palmira, Lindt Madagascar.
Le Cartet [Montreal]
chocolate bar: Galerie au chocolat au lait / milk.
Miss Chocolat [Gatineau]
Riopelle, Masala, Aztque
The plain butter caramels in milk chocolate coating are not publically available.