We’ve been working hard to make sure that you will have stuff to do and things to see while attending WTF. So
what do we have planned?
For the Fursuiters and costumers we will have both a fursuit parade and challenging games. As well, we will be
holding a Masquerade; a semi formal presentation of costumes and costumers’ work that will be judged by a
guest panel. So brush out that fur, dust off those eye patches and pull out those smoke pellets! For application
to the Masquerade, forms will be made available at registration. More details are coming soon, but information
can be had by contacting the Masquerade team at [email protected].
For those musically inclined, or at least good at hand-eye coordination, there will be the grand Rock Band
Also, on Saturday night running into the wee hours of the morning, we will be holding a dance. Effects and music
galore! If you’re interested in taking a turn at the table, let us know! We’re looking for experienced DJs, and an
audition will be required. Contact [email protected] for details.
For those in the sponsor level of registration, we will also be providing a brunch, catered by the hotel on Sunday
morning. Spots will be limited once pre-registration closes, so to ensure you have a spot, register soon.
We will also be holding the first ever WTF Charity Auction! All proceeds of the auction will go to our selected
charity. If you have something you’d like to have in the auction, be it artwork, books, objects or even services
and commissions, please let our Art Show Director know.
Lastly, to close off the convention, we will be holding a traditional Dead Dog party, so those of you still around on
Sunday night can still hang out and have some more fun.
More detailed info will come soon, so keep your eyes open!